Once upon a time big galleons sailed away from the harbors of the old Europe seeking their fortune in the far-away lands of India and Africa. These trips by sea were exhausting, endless, sometimes with no return because weather calamities sank the boats and their cargoes or galleons were attacked by pirates.
The transportation of goods was always very risky, especially when the destination was Africa, with all its remote, unexplored and dangerous areas.
Back then there were no safe transports nor insurance on the goods being shipped. It was just a matter of luck and only skilled captains could look for safe routes to protect their ships, goods and crew.
Today’s global village has made any type of transport, including the ones by plane and by ship, easier with fast boats that sail the oceans cutting transit times by half and cargo planes designed to load any kind of good. Moreover, thanks to the modern IT technologies, any good can be traced constantly
Forwarding & Logistic is a dynamic international forwarding company with a 20 year-experience in the field of shipping, especially to Africa, where we set up a network of exclusive offices and forwarding agents.