Brokerage and management of insurances
We work with reliable and experienced brokerage agencies, specialized in the brokerage and management of insurances, with whom we study the most suitable solutions to provide the best products on the market in terms of both contents and costs, in order to protect your goods

IMO 2020 – Low Sulphur Surcharge (LSS)
From December 1st, 2019, the new IMO (International Maritime Organization) 2020 Low Sulphur Regulation will be in effect. All sea-going vessels worldwide...
Dagli hotel agli stadi: crescono gli investimenti dell’Italia in Camerun
Sarà italiano il primo hotel a cinque stelle del Camerun. Il Kristal Palace sorgerà a Douala, la capitale economica del Paese, avrà...
Africa, quali carte si gioca l’Europa
Negli ultimi anni la gestione dei flussi migratori dall’Africa all’Europaha causato forti divisioni tra gli Stati membri potenzialmente in grado di innescare...